Buy Web Hosting Using BEAM

BEAM is a crypto coin which is slowly gaining popularity. It is not so popular like other crypto coins though folks over there are trying to push it to the masses. Host Mayo was recently contacted by them to start accepting BEAM for our services. We did it eventually and now you can buy web hosting using BEAM on our site. here we are elaborating some of the features of this crypto coin.

1. Confidentiality

All transactions on BEAM are private. They store no information about the participants of the transactions on their blockchain.

2. Versatility

They have a feature called “Scriptless Script” technology allows a wide variety of functions beside just simple transfer of funds. Some of the possible functions involve atomic swapping, escrow and time-locking a transaction.

3. Opt-in auditability

This coin can be used for a complete documented transaction. It has the ability to comply with regulations such that a wallet can be configured to attach digitally signed documentation (eg invoices or contracts) to all transactions in a cryptographically unforgeable way. Also specific auditors can be granted permission to inspect the complete list of transactions along with all the attached documents.

4. Confidential assets

As described above the coin has confidentially at its core thus multiple asset types (eg real estate tokens, corporate debts and simply new currencies) can also be created and used on BEAM.

5. Scalability

They have feature called “cut-through” of Mimblewimble which helps them to avoid any excessive computational overhead. This makes BEAM blockchain orders of magnitude smaller than any other blockchain implementation.

Newsletter: Buy Web Hosting Using BEAM

Host Mayo has been featured in the recent news letter of BEAM. The BEAM has given a list of few new merchants that accept BEAM. Full newsletter can be read here

For full range of accepted crypto currencies and other payment methods visit our Payment Methods page.

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