Every Sacramento SEO Agency Needs This Critical SEO Tool

Every Sacramento SEO Agency Needs This Critical SEO Tool

Sacramento is the capital city of California and the 6th largest city in the state with a population of a little over half a million people. This city is rich in historical landmarks and heritage that has made its story inseparable from that of the United States as a country. This is not our focus in today’s article but you get more details about this city here.

Our focus is in the economy of the area especially as it has to do with small businesses and how they manage to survive the internal and external competition in the business world. With globalization, small businesses have become the main stay of most economies. Businesses made up of no more than an individual or a couple can now operate from a space or even from their homes, serving a community and even the world from that remote location. This is all thanks to the internet.

As more and more small businesses sprout across the city, the need to rise above the competition and stay profitable becomes the main challenge. Remember that it has been said that most small businesses do not live beyond five years. For many of these businesses that pack up, the main challenge is staying profitable. To stay profitable, a number of factors must work seamlessly together. One of the most important of these factors is the steady flow of customers which brings in cash flow.

In this age of the internet and globalization, every business is turning to SEO as a way of bringing in this much needed customer traffic. The implication of this is that there is a steep increase in the demand for competent SEO agencies which is why a lot of these agencies are springing up every day.

Just in case you are considering this line of endeavor, there is one tool you must never joke with. Yes, you will be using a lot of tools but never be found without an SEO reporting tool.

About SEO Reporting Tools

This refers to a software or system with which you prepare your SEO report which is a critical component of your practice as an agency. This is something you will need to consistently prepare and present to your client to provide them with an overview of the campaign(s) you are handling for them.

Why Every Agency Needs this Tool

To help you fully grasp the need for this tool, we will quickly look at some of the components of SEO reporting. For better understanding, we shall break them into three classes – pre-campaign, campaign and post campaign.


Before taking on any new project from a client, there are few things that you MUST do as an agency. You must know what you are getting into. This is the point where you perform an in-depth website audit to know what is wrong with the website and the task that is ahead of you.

Your client needs to know where the site is at before the campaign begins so that they can easily measure and appreciate whatever progress is made during the process.

Some of the things you will need to know and report include:

  • On-page optimization.
  • Broken links (404 error pages).
  • Keyword usage.
  • User experience.
  • Link building quality and structure – internal and external.
  • Content optimization.
  • Traffic.
  • Conversion rate.

…and many others.


Having taken note of the problems to be fixed, you will then formulate a strategy and begin to implement them. As the entire project gets underway, you will need to periodically report to your clients the progress you are making on the key performance indices that were stipulated from the audit performed at the beginning.

This will include among other things

  • Traffic to the site.
  • User experience.
  • Conversion rate.
  • Ranking for targeted keywords.

…..and more.

This has to be done on a regular basis so the client can follow the progress (or lack of it) being made. It also helps both you and the clients determine what is working and what is not working. This ensures that funds are utilized efficiently.

Once a strategy is seen not to be yielding the desired result, it can be tweaked for better performance. This is something that should be done on an on-going basis, and the client kept in the loop through proper reporting.


This is basically like a report card breaking down the project from where it began to where it has ended. Your report will show the client where they were before you started working with them and where you have brought them to.

All of the points listed above should feature in this report, showing a before and after scenario and possibly a graphical progression of how it all happened.

What You Benefit

Top agencies like goldengateseo.net/sacramento understand the importance of this tool so they invest heavily in them. Here are a few things an agency stands to gain from using this tool:

  • Trust with the client.
  • Transparency and accountability which also builds trust.
  • Continuous insight into the effectiveness of each strategy which then allows for a tactile approach to the campaign. This ensures that funds and time are not wasted on things that are not working.
  • Increased efficiency and absence of guesswork.

We could go on but let these suffice. Just understand that without proper reporting, you cannot expect to succeed as an SEO agency anywhere.

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